Welcome to Solex AO Scan. We are in 6 languages.
Did you know that the AO Scan technology is programmed in six languages?
This means that doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, and fitness enthusiasts can scan clients in different languages while moving back and forth between any number of languages for a single client.
BTW, Energy is the Universal Language
Currently, the AO Scan premier health frequency technology is programmed in English, German, Portuguese, Chinese, and Arabic.
As this unbelievable wellness network marketing opportunity expands, we look forward to adding additional languages.
Let me paint you a picture of how easy this is to use:
!. English-speaking AO Scan device user accesses the AO Scan technology on their mobile testing device.
2. An English-speaking user places the headset on a Chinese-only-speaking client.
3. An English-speaking user uses the English interface to run the test.
4. When the Scan is complete, the user can display or send results to the Chinese-speaking client.
5. The English-speaking AO Scan user can also share these results with German-only-speaking individuals.
*Note that scans can be done in person, over the phone, or using radionics once the energetic signature of an individual is established. Scans are non-invasive, and there are no contraindications. The AO Scan Technology does not treat, cure, or diagnose but is an educational tool for our users.
The AO Scan Vibe is Going Global!
And we can’t stop sharing suitable frequencies with the world.
We welcome users and team members from around the globe! Join our team today.
We are speaking of the AO Scan and my AO Scan Global’s international expansion mechanisms, the website has recently included many languages so that users can easily access information on our technology and suite of products.
The language translation feature is located at the bottom left-hand corner of the homepage. If you do not see a language you need, please let us know, and we will be happy to include it. We have added Spanish, Russian, Hindi, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, and many others!
“I intend to continue leading the largest and most diverse group of AO Scan users on the planet. I want our good vibes everywhere!” Paige Maurer Wheeler
Don’t know much about contour frequency technology? We would love to hear from you! CONTACT US
Be Well & Do Good Things
#aoscan #aoscansignup #solex #solexlife #energy #frequency #globalwellness #itsjustenergy #energymedicine #networkmarketing #quantumhealing #wellness #china #mexico #germany #Arabic #mindfulness #healing