AO Scan & Epigenetics
The AO Scan Technology looks at so much within our 4 core scan and optimizations.
Our health is influenced by our genetic makeup.
In addition to our physical traits, abilities, and personalities, our genes can also affect how healthy we will be in the long run.
Our parents’ traits have a significant impact on what and who we become as well as how healthy we are.
Beyond simply our DNA, numerous other factors can have an impact on our health.
We’ve known for a very long time that environmental factors, like nutrition, pollutants, and trauma, can have an impact on our health.
But study is now learning that these external variables can also affect the expression of our genes and be passed on to subsequent generations.
Epigenetics, a subject area that is gaining popularity, studies how environment and genetics interact.
According to genetics, our genes are predetermined for us, fixed, and immutable. Epigenetics argues the opposite.
In Contrast to Epigenetics
Genes, the fundamental building blocks of inheritance, are the subject of genetics. Our bodies’ various processes and traits are governed by genes.
If we have a genetic mutation that modifies our genes, those transformed genes are also passed on to our children or grandkids, who will acquire those mutations and reflect the alterations.
Genetics also includes the study of changes.
On the other hand, epigenetics, which literally translates as “in addition to changes in genetic sequence,” examines how our genes function.
Our genes’ behavior can also be changed, just like any other behavior.
Our genetic expression is what is changed rather than our genetic makeup.
Our genes do not mutate as a result of epigenetic alterations because they take place on or outside of our genes. They merely alter how our genes behave.
The outcomes are comparable.
Our growth and health can be impacted by both genetic and epigenetic alterations, and both are transgenerational.
Depending on the condition, genetics or epigenetics may be to blame.
However, only genetic modifications truly result in gene changes.
This implies that while genetic alterations are typically irreversible, epigenetic changes can.
Examines the genes, the data they carry, and their structure and function. It also studies any mutations or changes that have occurred to the genes.
looks at evolution and genetic illnesses
can be transmitted to upcoming generations
is irreversible
Fun Fact: Did you know that the AO Scan Mobile Comprehensive Scan shows a full report on your chromosomes before and after optimization?
a study of the behavior or expression of genes, as well as any changes to that expression
examines inherited disorders brought on by environmental variables and how genes and the environment interact.
can be transmitted to upcoming generations
often reversible
Using Epigenetics
Through chemical interactions known as methyl groups, epigenetics regulates the function of our genes in one of the main ways.
Methyl groups function as chemical tags that affix to our genes and serve as their circuit boards, regulating when the genes are turned on or off.
Enzymes, in turn, regulate the methyl groups. (
How frequently and when these methyl groups activate the genes determines how our genes “behave,” and this process is known as methylation.
Additionally, methylation can cover up some genes in any given cell, exposing others.
The concealed genes and the genetic material they contain will be less prominent, which has an impact on gene behavior as well. (6)
Methylation’s Impact on Epigenetics
Methylation is influenced by a wide range of variables, which in turn affect epigenetics.
Here are some of the factors that influence methylation and epigenetics.
Gene activity level
Since methyl groups are located at the regulators of our genes, they influence a gene’s level of activity, which can range from extremely active to barely active to completely shut off.
Speaking of methylation, Solex has one of the greatest methylated multi-vitamins, Solex Prime.
Our genes’ activity influences our emotions, minds, and bodies since they encode the proteins that make up our bodies.
They have an impact on both our physical and psychological traits as well as our behaviors and feelings.
Because of this, epigenetics influences how our nervous system functions, how we perceive stress, and how we respond to it through the methylation process.
Anxiety, irritability, and sensitivity to stress are frequently observed in people with high methyl group counts and enhanced methylation. For instance, it has been suggested that serial killers have excessive methylation.
Although the same genes are present in all of our cells, not all of them are active.
Within different cells, various genes are active. Additionally, methyl groups regulate how we develop because they activate our genes.
In the mass of identical cells that we begin as before birth, the methyl groups choose which cells will develop into our bone cells, brain cells, heart cells, neurons, skin cells, etc.
They oversee our growth. In fact, elevated methylation can promote growth in us.
Due to high amounts of methylation, which promotes rapid development, dogs age more quickly than humans do and have shorter lives.
Environmental factors like stress and toxins have an impact on the terrain, or foundation, of the body, which is thought to be one of the most significant impacts on your epigenetic consequences.
A healthy environment is better able to fend off invaders and illnesses that target the body (such as pathogens and poisons).
On the other side, a poor or compromised environment might increase a person’s susceptibility to illness.
The enzymes that regulate the methyl groups can be impacted by infections and toxins, which can have an impact on how healthy we are, how long we live, and which diseases we might contract.
Furthermore, according to epigenetics, even effects on the body brought on by the environment can be inherited.
Epigenetics is influenced by environmental factors such as:
stress or adversity, frequently in childhood. According to research, ACEs, or adverse childhood experiences, increase a person’s likelihood of having autoimmunity later in life.
chemically based toxins (e.g. benzene, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, persistent organic pollutants, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)
Nutrition and exercise
Drugs and remedies
social influences
hazardous heavy metals
ultraviolet rays
If it has an impact on our health, almost anything else we think or do in our daily lives would also fall under this category.
Methyl Groups’ Locations
Methyl groups attach to our genes and regulate them, but they regulate more genes than simply those to which they are physically bound.
They also possess the power to control genes that are located distant from the site of their attachment, even having an impact on the hormones and receptors in the brain.
Methyl groups at one end of the body can alter genes at the other end since the body is so interconnected and all of our systems function as a unit.
The Quantity of Methyl Groups
Gene activity is also impacted by the number of methyl groups that our genes contain.
Typically, a gene’s activity decreases as the amount of methyl groups increases.
This is because the genes tend to turn off more frequently as methyl activity increases.
In fact, some individuals with higher levels of methyl groups may find that, as a result of their genes frequently shutting down, they exhibit some “lessened” or “numbed” attributes and traits.
These methyl groups tend to accumulate more frequently in people who have previously been traumatized,
which may have an impact on how quickly diseases manifest. It may also result in symptoms that are worse and more severe.
Transgenerational and Reversible Epigenetics
The fact that epigenetics is thought to be both transgenerational and reversible is arguably the most fascinating and significant feature of the field.
The knowledge that environmental variables can be passed down to future generations as well as the possibility that inherited factors may be reversible are both relatively recent discoveries.
That is why the study of epigenetics is so fascinating. (1, 2, 3)
Since they were old enough to breathe, your patients have presumably been told that they are in charge of their own fate.
Their future, happiness, and quality of life may all be impacted by the decisions they make today.
But they may not be aware that the decisions they make today will also have an impact on the future of their children and the children of their children.
The memory of genes. They monitor our daily activities and occurrences.
They keep in mind our feelings, our encounters, and our pain, and they pass those things on. If we make healthy decisions, we will pass those benefits on to future generations.
Generations can be impacted by the effects that environmental variables have on us and our health.
While epigenetic effects can endure up to 12 or 13 generations in animals, they typically only last two to four generations in humans.
This happens as a result of how the environment affects the sperm and eggs, which in turn affects how our children develop.
Research has shown that inherited environmental impacts exist. Both our parents’ strengths and their traumas are something we can inherit.
For instance, during World War II, the winter of 1944–1945 saw a severe famine in the Netherlands.
Pregnant women during this time struggled with hunger and irregular feeding, which resulted in smaller kids than those born prior to the famine.
When they became adults, these kids also had increased insulin resistance.
Dutch babies continued to have reduced birth weights for at least two generations.
It has been hypothesized that this might have resulted from an epigenetic alteration that made the newborns’ metabolisms slower at birth.
More recently, researchers found that babies born to mothers who were expecting during the 9/11 attacks had reduced cortisol levels, a hallmark symptom of PTSD.
In a another experiment, whenever a cherry-blossom aroma was sprayed into the cage of male mice, they received an electrical shock.
They grew to fear and dislike the aroma of cherry blossoms, which they eventually came to equate with danger.
These mice mated with females who had not participated in the same experiment and exhibited no adverse reactions to cherry blossom aroma after two weeks.
However, the mice pups that followed showed the same aversion to cherry blossom aroma that their dads had grown to have.
Additionally, they were physically born with a higher density of cherry-blossom-detecting neurons in their noses and a more sensitive nose.
The possibility of inheriting our parents’ trauma makes us wonder how the descendants of slaves have been impacted and how future generations may be impacted by tragedies like war.
People often assume that because something is genetically predetermined, they are powerless to change it. Epigenetics, however, has demonstrated that this is no longer the case.
We currently possess the ability to influence our DNA, our health, and the health of upcoming generations.
We are not determined by our genes.
We now understand that inherited traits are subject to our control.
For instance, evidence reveals that a large number of autoimmune illnesses are epigenetic rather than hereditary.
Researchers carried out a trial in 2013 in which veterans with PTSD received psychotherapy.
Veterans who received treatment and experienced PTSD remission have less methyl groups connected to specific genes than they had before.
In comparison to the veterans who weren’t in remission, they also possessed fewer methyl groups. This could be proof that gene activity can be changed.
But how can we achieve this if epigenetics can be altered or reversed?
Any action that your patients do to enhance their own health and wellbeing has the potential to change their genetic make-up and help undo some epigenetic predispositions that they may have inherited or would otherwise pass on to their offspring.
Perhaps the most important thing individuals can do to improve their health is make an effort to alter their exposures and behaviors as well as get rid of any external factors that may be impairing their bodies’ ability to perform at their best.
The following actions can promote favorable epigenetic outcomes:
dealing with and addressing stress or trauma
removing any harmful or poisonous effects from their lives, including any hazardous situations, persons, experiences, or substances.
stomach cleaning
herbal remedies
increased fascial and lymphatic circulation
Physical exercise
Positive outlook
reduced contact with EMFs
shady work
taking supplements to aid with detox, drainage, mitochondrial function, and other processes
working with frequency or sound
Genes Aren’t What Determine Us
People have traditionally believed that their genetic make-up determines their destiny, particularly in terms of their health.
It’s reassuring to know that traits acquired from our parents’ epigenetic makeup are reversible, and that factors other than our DNA play a role in determining our level of health.
However, it’s also crucial to keep in mind that environmental factors, such as chemicals and other pollutants, have an effect on more than just our health because they can be passed on to our offspring.
We may continue to promote wonderful health — today and future — if we concentrate on maintaining the fundamental health of our bodies and cleansing to get rid of harmful effects.
Are you interested in an AO Scan? Our technology is non-invasive and there are no contraindications. Scans can be done in person or over the phone. Values surrounding genetics and epigenetics are littered throughout all of the scans and can be addressed with frequencies.
Want to know more? CONTACT US and an AO practitioner will get back to you with information and a free demo.
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