AO Scan Video Update: How to Use the AO Multicast Feature
*Check out the AO Scan Multicast instructional video by one of our AO Scan practitioners. Enjoy! You can play it below, or read the synopsis of the transcript.
AO Scan Multicast Tips
Welcome to this comprehensive guide on the AO Multicast feature! We’re excited to walk you through how to set up and use the multi-broadcasting feature within the SEFI library of the AO Scan mobile scanner. While the AO Scan doesn’t cure, diagnose, treat, or prevent, it does offer valuable insights into your health and provides a proactive approach to address areas needing attention. Ready? Let’s dive in!
By the end of this guide, you’ll know the best order for the playlist, how to connect your profiles, pets, spaces, and objects all in advance, making it quick and easy to put everything together.
Preparing Your Playlist
First, you want to ensure that everything you want to add to your playlist is ready to go in SEFI. Second, you want to attach any pets, spaces, and objects to an energetic connection or an energetic profile and have that already set up.
Setting Up the Multicast
When you’re ready to go into multicast, you click on the client at the top. It’ll have “Manage Client Groups” here. I’ve already added a few different groups when you click on that. We will add a new one just by clicking on the plus sign. We are going to call this one “Safety.”
Once the name is entered, you can add your profiles. So, we’ve got Jane Doe as our profile. John is going to be used in another video. When you select the name, you highlight it and click “OK” to add it to your group manager. I will click the little person icon again to add our pet. I will use Jane again as well because in Jane’s profile, she has Bowser as her dog added in the pets under this little down arrow. If you click spaces, they have a home here as well.
When you select a pet, you select the actual pet profile, click “OK,” and I will also add the home. Again, click on Jane’s profile, open it up, click on Spaces, highlight a space, and then click “OK.” It will add all of these to your group manager. At the top, you want to click on the little floppy drive icon to save it, and you’re ready to go.
Using the SEFI Multicast
We will click back on the infinity sign, come into SEFI, and click on multicast at the bottom of the menu. The group manager is set in this center selection. When you click on it, it’ll show you all of your groups. “Safety” is the last one I just entered; you can see all three of these profiles.
I added the affirmation just for time savings, but it’s quite unique. It’s optional, but I love this part because it allows you to add your intention to the process. It doesn’t matter what language you use or any specific words; your intention matters the most. So, I added these for each one of these profiles.
Configuring the Playlist and Flower
The next step is to either do the flower or a playlist. For simplicity, I have one playlist that I want to use on each of these profiles. So, I will click “OK,” and for each of these, I will select this again for time savings. If you want to add more than one, you can.
You have a scan option on the flower, which is quite unique. The idea and purpose behind the flower are that sometimes when you want to broadcast frequencies to someone, they might have an emotional block or an emotional wall that prevents them from receiving or accepting the frequencies. This is where the flower comes in. When you scan, it will bring up an emotion, a flower that was selected, and the offsetting note.
I’m going to do the same thing for Bowser, see what his comes up with, and then down here on the home, I’m going to click on the flower. But I will look up to allow you to select an emotion. Each of these has an abundance of flowers attached, so I’m just going to click on agitation for simplicity. You can see all the different flowers here, and each one of these has an emotional component. I will click on the Blue Bell, and you can see this is the emotional component attached to the Blue Bell. When I click “OK,” it’ll show you down at the bottom what the note is attached, and the note is the carrier to send the playlist, the flower, and the affirmation. I love this feature.
Setting Up Your Broadcast
The next step is to set up your broadcast. How long do you want to play it for? At the very top, you’ve got several options: a 30-second option, a two-minute option, or a five-minute option. If I wanted to play five minutes for everyone, I would click this play button. If I wanted to play it individually, I would play this little recycle bin.
You can simply click on each note to play it continuously for an hour, two hours, overnight, or all day. Multicast is versatile and useful on so many levels.
Keep checking back with the AO Scan Global Affilliate Blog for more tip, tricks and training. Also be sure to follow all of our Social Media accounts.