TCM, Organs, Meridians, Well Being, Oral Health, AO Dental Scan
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), each tooth is believed to be associated with specific meridians (energy channels) and organs in the body. Here’s a general idea of the associations:
Incisors (front teeth): linked to the bladder and kidney meridians
Canines (eyetooth): linked to the heart and small intestine meridians
Premolars (bicuspids): linked to the stomach and spleen/pancreas meridians
Molars: linked to the large intestine and gallbladder meridians
It’s important to note that these associations are not scientifically proven and are part of TCM’s theoretical framework. It’s best to consult a licensed practitioner for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Relationship Between Oral Health and General Wellbeing
Maximizing Health Through All-Inclusive Oral Treatment
An image of a healthy plant root is seen in a picture featured on Healthy Roots Tulsa’s website.
One may typically depict the link between the mouth and the body as a chart of teeth and organs or a meridian chart.
This idea of correlating teeth and organs comes from the Eastern approach to medicine and acupuncture.
Meridian charts may not be used to diagnose, but they can provide an understanding of dental and non-dental problems.
It is often noticed that an infection in the body will be reflected in the tooth corresponding to it.
What Happens in a Biological Dental Office
During an oral examination, a biological dentist detects indications of a health problem in other parts of your body and consequently inspects the related tooth for signs.
Following up with your primary care provider if any links are suggested between what we observe in your mouth and any symptoms you have is always recommended.
If you do not have a PCP, they usually can provide you with a list of holistic healthcare providers in the area – ask!
Meridians Connecting Organs and Teeth
The body contains many subtle energy pathways known as meridians.
These meridians connect specific organs and teeth, forming a complex energy flow network.
These meridians are believed to allow energy to circulate throughout the body, regulating vital functions and maintaining balance.
The human mouth’s teeth are connected to organs in the body via a meridian. The relevant tooth usually displays a symptom if there is an issue with an organ or system.
Tooth Chart Correlation Chart
Check out a meridian tooth chart as a reference; it is possible to observe the link between the teeth and internal organs.
This image reveals a representation of the tooth and its components. In a visual format, the diagram outlines the elements of a tooth, consisting of enamel, dentin, cementum, pulp, and periodontal ligament.
Association between Dental Infections and Cardiac Issues
It has been established that there is a relationship between dental infections and heart disease.
Research has demonstrated that people with oral infections are more likely to experience cardiac issues than those with healthy mouths.
Additionally, these individuals are at a higher risk of developing severe heart conditions than those without any dental problems.
Therefore, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene and visit the dentist regularly to reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
Oral Health Matters
The state of your oral health can impact your whole body, the heart included.
Research has suggested that there is a possible correlation between gum disease and heart disease, and even with Alzheimer’s.
Holistic dentistry advocates preventing periodontitis and gingivitis as an essential part of treating heart disease.
Paying regular visits to the dentist is beneficial for your mouth hygiene, heart, and overall well-being!
Oral Health & Heart Disease
One may wonder how gum disease could be connected to heart disease. The answer lies in the toxins released.
Once the teeth or gums become infected, bacteria and toxins are released into the bloodstream.
Autopsy of heart disease patients has revealed that atherosclerotic plaques contain RNA from bacteria in the mouth, which is caused by dental infections.
Gum disease can damage other body parts, making the heart vulnerable to its effects.
Areas that are quickly impacted are the uterus, kidney, endocrine system, and nervous system.
Encouraging General Well-Being
Advocating for general health is an essential part of leading a healthy lifestyle. By supporting and promoting overall wellness, individuals can set themselves up for success and a better quality of life.
Maintaining your oral health is essential for your overall well-being. Contact us to schedule an appointment and gain insight into the correlation between brushing, flossing, and keeping your heart healthy!
The development of new technologies has revolutionized the way we interact with our surroundings. It has profoundly impacted how people work, communicate, and carry out day-to-day tasks. Innovations in science and technology have changed how we live, making life easier and more convenient.
What’s the AO Dental Scan?
Haven’t you heard about the AO Dental Scan? It is an addition to the fantastic AO Scan Technology that takes a very in-depth look at every tooth and jawbone. T
The AO Scan Technology is mainly used by naturopaths, chiropractors, and holistic healers but will now move into selling to dentists and biological dentists.
This technology is the latest noninvasive technology that will give harmful X-rays a run for their money.
We aren’t going to tell much about how robust the dental scan is, but we can assure you that if something has negatively impacted a tooth over one’s lifetime, it will show up on the scan.
Are you interested in getting a free demo? We are happy to offer this to naturopaths and biological dentists who want to perform fewer lab tests and get clients to fix faster.
Join our team of naturopaths, chiropractors, holistic practitioners, doctors, physical therapists, dentists, personal trainers, biohackers, and wellness enthusiasts. BUY NOW or CONTACT US
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