Deb Bruce Solex AO Scan Weekly Updates

AO Scan Training

Weekly Solex AO Scan Announcements and Exciting Updates

 *In an effort to educate our expanding global team of AO Scan users, we have turned the transcript of our Wednesday weekly call into a blog post. Enjoy.

Hello Solex Nation! I’m thrilled to let Kai share his favorite announcement ever. Yes, it’s the end of the month, and it’s time to pull your reports. We say this most months, and I hope you’ve been doing it. Go into your back office in the business area, and you have reports you can pull. You can actually export your organization report just so you have it. You don’t have to download or do anything else with it, because once the month closes and February 1 starts, you can’t get that last month’s information.

Why do you want that information? Well, it’s just to know where you stand and who you can help in your organization. Are you having the success you want to have? Are the things you’re doing to build actually creating the desired results? That’s a way to look at it.

Preparing for the Incentive Trip

Speaking of downloading and printing things off, now is also a great time to prepare your trip trackers for the next eight months. We have eight months—seven months if you start in February. February, March, April, May, June, July, August—yep, seven months starting on February 1. So get your trip tracker, record January for the eight months, and then go through and make sure you’re ready to track your success toward earning the incentive trip for 2025. And what is that trip? A Caribbean cruise! Yes, that’s a good one.

Why would you want to print it off and have it in front of you rather than just guess if you’re getting it? Well, if you actually look at data, your performance is similar to pulling reports. You know where you are, and then you can plan what you must do to get where you want to go. If where you want to go is on the cruise, then you have to look at the parameters for getting there. The trip tracker has everything. It’s a step-by-step walkthrough to know who has broken a rank, and you get credit for helping them break a rank in your directs. You get to track your rank advancements and highest rank advancements and what success that gives you towards earning the cruise, retaining your people, and growing your business. It’s all there.

License Plates and Prizes

Next, we want to talk about license plates. We haven’t had a license plate in a while. For the new people, if you register at your Department of Motor Vehicles, you can get a license plate that either says Solex, Sephi, or even Mind Sync. You register that, go through that effort and commitment, send us a picture of your plate on your car or you holding your plate from the DMV, and we have prizes that we give away.

We were giving away a coin before, but we are entirely out of the Legacy coins, the Legacy group. However, we continue to have great prizes for those who commit this commitment. We just didn’t want you to think that was over—it’s not. Keep going!

Days of Discovery

Let’s talk about the next Days of Discovery we have coming up. The next one is right around the corner: the virtual event. March is right up on us; that will start on the 5th through the 11th. So many hours of content, great trainers, great information, several launches, a lot of fun stuff, and a great place to gather with even just another person. Get together, watch the information, and get excited about what’s in front of you for your own benefit and those you share with.

A key thing is that the virtual ticketed event is going to have a one-price increase starting February 1. So there’s only a few days left if you really want to jump in. These events are great, whether they’re virtual or live. They’re really good to be a part of—getting excited about your well-being, your health, and even your business. Something else you get with your ticket is a 20% off coupon that you can use that entire week multiple times. It’s only good March 5th through the 11th, but that alone is a reason to come. People sometimes come for that reason, but we hope you also come for the information.

European Day of Discovery

Now is also your chance to get your Day of Discovery ticket in Europe, which will be May 30th and 31st in Amsterdam. Those tickets are available in your back office. It’s open to anyone; you don’t have to live in Europe to come, but we’re hoping that if you are in Europe, you’re excited and want to come. You will also get a 20% discount that week—well, not that week, those days—May 30th and 31st if you attend that event. Those tickets are also increasing on February 1st, so if you’re thinking about coming, now’s the time.

Contest and Winners

That’s it for announcements. Let’s go into our contest. We asked what you wanted to learn about in the scan scanner. We love to hear your suggestions, we use them, and we value them. So thank you for sending them in. We’re giving away SEFIdots. The first winner is Brenda Brown. She wants to know more about what to do if parasites keep showing up—protocol supplements and playlists, etc. Great! I think we have some people who know a little bit about that.

Next, we have Gen 2579. Let us know who you are, Gen 2579, so we can get you your Sephi Dots. They don’t understand the Sephi AO tune, subtle energy frequency, and printer. They would love training on this so they can begin using it as it looks amazing, but their ignorance of it is hindering them immensely. I love that. I think so many parts of the scanner are like that, where we’re like, “I don’t know; I’m sure there’s something good I can do with that, but I need some information.” Great suggestion!

Last winner is Debbie Dear Hayes. She wants to learn about imprinting the Sephi dots and pellets. Well, you’re going to get Sephi dots to practice on, so congratulations! All three of you will get those sent out to you.

Top Enrollers

We have our top enrollers for January 20th through the 26th. No ties this time. The current Queen of enrolling has been knocked off the throne but barely at second place—Paige Maurer Wheeler. Great job, so consistent! And first, this week, we have Melanie Rilan. This is a new name because she just barely started on January 14th. Really new! Last week, she brought five people to Solex. Now, I don’t want to say what Melanie does or doesn’t know; maybe she studied out the scanner, perhaps she knows everything about it, but I’m going to assume that being brand new, she doesn’t know everything there is to know about the scanner and still brought five people on, which goes to show that you don’t have to know in order to share. It’s all about experiences. Great job, Melanie!

What does Melanie get? Melanie will get our six-pack of AO scan passes so she can invite six people to try out the AO scan technology for free for six days. Congratulations to you!

Connecting the Dots with Deb Bruce

We left you hanging last week, and now we’ll let you see part two of Deb Bruce’s “Connecting the Dots.” Dedicate yourself 15 minutes, set a timer, do whatever, and learn that one thing. And when you learn that one thing, pick the next thing and move on to it. Learn that thing, and then start working them together. You would be amazed at how quickly you start feeling more at ease with your scanner and start connecting the dots subconsciously.

Emotions out of balance are one of the top three causes: physical and emotional trauma, family problems, environmental issues, mineral deficiency, inability to handle stress on a day-to-day basis. They get sensitive to everything and anything. They cry at the drop of a hat. They start having sensitivity to bright light, feel like they’re passing out when they stand up quickly, and their heart’s palpitating. A lot of times, this is the emotions and the adrenals. It’s crucial to consider emotions as one of the main causes of issues in the body.

A lot of people are finding they are completely stuck in fight or flight 24/7, especially since COVID. Mel was the one that taught me this. It’s a really interesting concept, and I’m going to try later on through the Solex University to see if I can do something with this for you guys. The reticular activation system in the brain is like a dryer filter, and you guys have accumulated all kinds of lint in it. It needs to be cleaned out.

Now, I don’t know what kind of car you drive, but I spent five years rebuilding the engine and the exhaust system on a Mini Cooper with my son. If you had never seen a Mini Cooper and went to buy a car, and there was a Mini Cooper on the lot, bright red, convertible, six-speed, cornered like it was on rails, had a great exhaust, and the horsepower was just under a Mustang, you put money down and paid for the car. If you’ve never seen a Mini Cooper before, guess what you’d see on the way home? Mini Coopers everywhere. They didn’t just buy them.

That reticular activation system filters things. It’s like you have a bouncer in your head, in your nightclub of a head, and it lets in certain things and keeps out others. What it lets in is what you’ve deemed important. It’s not that those Mini Coopers weren’t there before; you just didn’t see them because your bouncer didn’t think it was important. Your inner voice and your Mind Sync have the ability to help you clean the lint out of your dryer filter. Then you start using your Mind Sync with all your positive statements, which is really interesting.

Another thing she referenced was, instead of even sometimes saying “I am,” if you say “I remember,” it hasn’t even happened yet. If you say, “I remember,” then what happens is the reticular activation system goes, “What did I miss? What did I miss? What happened?” You keep doing that with your Mind Sync, and your reticular activation system says, “Wow, this is really important. I missed the whole deal. I better let her see what’s out there that’s like that because I didn’t do my job.” So you can really powerfully use your inner voice and your Mind Sync to clean out your dryer filter and actually reprogram your whole view.

That’s why the secret manifestation works so well for some people and not so well for others. Some people are so programmed with their RAS to just see negativity that their bouncers don’t ever let in the opportunities. So use your inner voice, use your Mind Sync to work on those emotions that are out of balance. It’s what a lot of people feel like these days. Those of you that have gone through the university are able to have lists when you check different parts of the body that show you the exact emotions that are bothering the different parts of the body, and you can use your inner voice and your Mind Sync to work on those particular emotions directly, whether they’re yours or someone else’s that you’re picking up on.

Toxicity is another cause you can find clues for everywhere in your scanner: dehydration, food sensitivities, heavy metals, molds, funguses, chemicals, bacteria, viruses—the list goes on and on. Even overload of supplementation. How many of you have had people that are so desperate to make their health better that they go to the health food store and buy one of everything, and yet what’s happening is they’re actually overloading their system and their poor liver is just screaming? I had one lady who said, “Can you check my supplements?” I scheduled an hour, and she brought in a laundry basket full. I looked at it and said, “Okay.” She goes, “Yeah, this is what I take every day.” The woman was so toxic it was unbelievable. So you’re even going to run into that and be able to help them with that type of issue.

Look at the quality of what you’ve got for supplementation in your back office. Look at the research that’s gone into it. Hydration—don’t need to say another word. Some people are on over-supplementation, and others have been on a myriad of drugs and prescriptions, and they just need help figuring out how to start cleaning up their system and be able to function better.

Understanding Gut Health

Compromised gut health between the first brain and the second brain and everything that goes on in the gut is another main area to focus on. It influences everything, everything, everything—from your dopamine, your serotonin, how your gut reassimilates your electrolytes, how things are turned into certain vitamins in the gut, how the gut and the brain communicate on all the different feel-good chemicals and neurotransmitters. Really look at the gut and what’s going on. Once again, pay attention in the gut to where your ones and nines are. Don’t get caught up in the weeds. Pay attention to your ones and nines, and then do the research on the areas that are ones and nines and start connecting the dots with everything else in your scanner that has to do with that particular area.

Lack of Support

Lack of support in various aspects—some people aren’t taking enough vitamins, minerals, glandulars. The glands need support. The emotions definitely need support. The spine needs support. And then sleep—how many people that you work with just aren’t getting a good night’s sleep? They can’t repair. So focusing on what you have in your back office, as well as everything connected with it in your scanner, will help them with that, which is super important.

Look back at that list and even think of the things that aren’t on that list. Look at how many areas you can look into and that you can start to develop an interest in and possibly master. Don’t be overwhelmed by the whole picture; just start and go from there, and you will day-to-day just find your scanner being better and better.

Using Inner Voice

Here’s an example of one of the things you can just look at when you run your inner voice and you run it with the heart and it comes over with suggestions right there. Even if you’re brand new, you’ve got enough research there on that one page to help somebody’s health. You have to remember the things that come through on these reports aren’t cut and paste; they aren’t something that every time somebody does a particular inner voice, this always comes up as the same report. In the background, it evaluates the person’s frequencies, what ones are, what ones are, what’s nines, and what’s out of balance, and then it comes through with suggestions that are specific to them.

For example, if it says, “Increase hydration, get plenty of sleep, consider a Mediterranean diet,” and then you have the kidneys again, “Increase hydration,” well, you need to say, “Okay, well, is it that they aren’t really drinking enough water? Maybe they’re drinking too much water and they need electrolytes. Maybe they are drinking enough water but they still need electrolytes.” Go back to their adrenals and see if the aldosterone has a one or a nine out; the water-salt balance in their body is off. Start looking for clues in other areas to see what these suggestions are really tying into for them and start connecting the dots between the areas listed on each report.

Paying Attention to Reports

Here’s another one: look at it again, “Liver, increase digestion, consider a liver detox.” Right there, what is it telling you? They’ve got a backup of toxins in the liver that need to be cleaned out. Start looking at the other areas that might give you clues as to what kind of toxins and what support they need. And then here again, the talk this morning, the energy talk, that doctor is out of this world. He’s just got one foot in one world and one in the other. I swear he’s just amazing. Like I said, I could listen to that Wednesday night call of his I think a hundred times, just with how fascinating it is to see what goes on in the body with that chakra system as the breaker box, what goes on with the meridians as the wires throughout the body.

Just really tie yourself into this. Why? Because you’ve got the report, and the report lists just like you said it—one of them doesn’t just go to one area; it goes to a bunch of areas. Well, what happens if you just scan their chakras and meridians and then you look at the report and say, “Oh, do any of these areas have ones or nines? Oh, well, this one on this—yeah, it does.” Well, then you just connect the dots and start looking at the different things that could come up under those ones and nines.


Body systems have an unbelievable ability to go in and get specific information. Once again, it’s not cut and paste; it’s information that comes through on a report because it’s what their brain has picked out and identified as an arithmetic algorithm or frequency that’s out of balance. So pay attention, and all you have to do here is, if you don’t have to do all of them, if you see in a meridian that there’s an area that has a problem, go into body systems and pick out the one that matches the best for what’s out on the meridian and see what comes up as a suggestion for that.

Make sure you scan and balance the meridian and then go into the body systems and see what you can find there. Then, what you find there, you can research more and see where there are other ones and nines that connect and make it where you get even more information.

For example, here on the circulatory system, you have it where the report comes through. Look at the things that are suggested. Now, these were picked by that person’s brain for them because these are areas that the brain sees as having a problem. More and more things are getting added into those suggestions in the background, so you’re getting more and more specific. Like a while back, the Solex Blue wasn’t in there, but hasn’t Kai done a fantastic job? If you don’t know much about Blue, go back onto some of the Wednesday night calls where he just went into the science of it and how phenomenally well it works and what it does. Then you’ll start to see why it would come up under circulation and know that their brain picked out that there’s a benefit in that product that they need.

So, causes are like railroad spikes, and that really is why you’re here. You want to get down to the root; you want to get down to the causes. Don’t be afraid to just connect the dots and research. Enjoy what you’re doing. You’re unique; you’re a very special class of people, you and the people that you’re working with under you in the world. It’s a very valuable service that you’re extending, so don’t be afraid to dive in. Don’t get caught up in the weeds; take one thing at a time, do it 15 minutes a day. Mel Robbins says high-five yourself in the mirror for doing it. So yeah, causes are why you’re here, so just don’t be afraid to dive into them. Okay, thanks, you guys!

[Music] Alright, great part two from Deb Bruce. She’s actually here recording for the virtual Day of Discovery right now. She’s got a lot of content, very in her style. Yes, intense information delivered in such a friendly way. Yes, she does a great job. So many of our talented experts do that. But along the lines of what Deb is teaching about, let’s kind of take a step back, macro view, in the contest this week. Let’s have them comment on what is your go-to scan. We all have scans that we do daily or weekly that we kind of are in the habit of doing, right? Because they’re comfortable. So what is that comfortable go-to scan for you, and what are we going to give them? Well, and why, right? Oh, and why is important.

Let’s give them the six-pack of the AO scan passes. The cool thing about that is, if I were to rephrase the question a different way or a couple different ways, one of them would be, if you only could do one scan left, only one scan for the rest of your life, what scan would it be? Or what is that one scan that when you just feel out of sorts, you need to do that scan? And why does that help you so much? I know what mine is. Do you know yours? Absolutely!

Alright, remember, don’t comment in the live chat if you’re watching the YouTube Premiere. Wait till this weekly update is over and comment in the general comment section, and we will draw three winners next week.

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Unlock the full potential of AO Scan technology with weekly educational sessions led by Deb Bruce! Whether you’re new to frequency wellness or looking to deepen your expertise, these sessions provide the insights and practical knowledge you need to harness the power of AO Scan for yourself, your family, and your clients.

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AO Scan Global Team of Quantum Living Advocates and Preferred Customers is leading the world in Frequency Wellness Technology! Join us.

AO Scan Global is revolutionizing health with Solex AO Scan technology, offering the most advanced tools to view your body through an energetic lens. By identifying the root cause of the root cause, our technology empowers users to optimize their energetic body field with targeted frequencies, moving toward better health and homeostasis.

With the fastest-growing global network of users, our multilingual blog platform supports over 20 languages and serves wellness practitioners, biohackers, and health enthusiasts worldwide.

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Due to a lack of scientific evidence in the sense of TRADITIONAL medicine, science and conventional medicine do not recognise the existence of energetic/information fields, their analysis and harmonization, as well as their usefulness in medicine and other areas. No disease or medical condition is meant to be treated, mitigated, diagnosed, or prevented by the AO Scan system. It is instead designed to provide the user the choice to take information from information fields into account, even in the context of a holistic view, in order to attempt and derive useful information from them if necessary. Here, neither representative data nor data with scientific validation should be taken for granted. In light of this, each user should experiment to determine whether or not the program is useful to them based on their individual experiences. The terminology used in the databases and modules are not effects statements, they have not been examined by a recognized body, and they are not a part of the MDD/conformity MDR’s assessment process. The AO Scan system should only ever be used in line with the Instruction for Use and within the bounds of one’s professional practice, license, or certification. The usage of the AO Scan system shouldn’t be viewed as a replacement for a doctor’s independent judgment, diagnosis, and therapy selection. The therapist is always in charge of providing the proper diagnosis and treatment. The goal is to give the user a tool for potential application evaluation and trial, but it cannot take the place of a doctor. Always question the data from the AO Scan system critically, and if necessary, run it through additional tests. The body’s energy field is transient and ever-changing. Solex// Scan products, programs, and information are used at the user’s own risk, discretion, and independent judgment. SolexLife/Solex/AO Scan firms expressly disclaim liability for any user choices about the use of Solex/AO Scan goods or services outside the bounds of the manual.