In pursuing optimal well-being, AO Scan Technology has revolutionized understanding and assessing the body’s subtle energy patterns.
However, to truly unlock the potential of this powerful technology, it is even more compelling to complement it with comprehensive health and wellness education.
That’s where Holistic Health Educators come in.
They offer a remarkable range of international online courses designed to empower you! Now, AO Scan users can quickly gain a deeper understanding of the human body and the principles of holistic health.
Available Curriculums:
1. Holistic Health Foundations: This foundational course provides a comprehensive overview of holistic health principles and practices. Learn about body, mind, and spirit interconnectedness, and explore techniques for achieving balance and vitality. Gain a solid understanding of the body’s energy systems and discover how to support them for optimal well-being.
2. Nutritional Wellness: Delve into the vital role of nutrition in maintaining and enhancing health. Learn about the impact of dietary choices on the body’s energy field and explore various nutritional approaches, including plant-based nutrition, mindful eating, and personalized nutrition. Discover how to optimize nutrition for specific health goals and address common imbalances through dietary interventions.
3. Herbal Medicine and Botanical Therapies: Uncover the healing power of nature with this course on herbal medicine and botanical therapies. Deepen your knowledge of medicinal plants, their properties, and their applications. Explore herbal remedies for common ailments, learn how to prepare herbal preparations, and gain insights into integrating herbal medicine into a holistic health practice.
4. Mind-Body Medicine: Recognize the profound connection between the mind and the body in this transformative course. Explore evidence-based mind-body practices such as meditation, mindfulness, breathwork, and visualization. Discover how these practices influence the body’s energy field, support emotional well-being, and promote overall health.
5. Energy Healing Modalities: Dive into energy healing modalities and gain practical skills to facilitate healing on multiple levels. Learn about Reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, and other energy-based therapies. Understand how these modalities work with the body’s energy systems to restore balance and promote wellness.
Credentials and Benefits:
Holistic Health Educators provide a globally recognized curriculum with credentials that enhance your professional credibility.
Upon completing each course, you will receive a certificate demonstrating your commitment to holistic health and wellness education.
The comprehensive curriculum empowers you to:
Deepen your understanding of the human body’s energy systems.
Expand your knowledge of nutrition, herbal medicine, and mind-body practices.
Develop practical skills to support holistic well-being.
Enhance your ability to integrate holistic approaches into your AO Scan assessments and recommendations.
Connect with a global community of like-minded individuals passionate about holistic health.
AO Scan and HHE are Both Educational Tool
With the AO Scan technology, you already possess a valuable tool for understanding the body’s energy patterns and identifying imbalances.