SEFIdots Can be Yours for FREE
Solex AO Scan SEFIdots are the latest innovation in frequency imprinting technology. What? Yes, charging wearable SEFIdots with specific healing frequencies.
Many health and wellness enthusiasts have used a product called LifeWave, and I’m sure all of you biohackers have heard of it.
When you think of SEFIdots, think of LifeWave, but programmable, more effective, and able to carry a diverse frequency playlist for what ails you.
*Attn: Global LifeWave Users, I can save you a lot of money. Join me today and start printing your frequency patches!
LifeWave lasts only 24 hours, while the Solex holographic chargeable patch lasts 72 hours and can be reprogrammed using the AO Scanner SEFI. mode
SEFI stands for subtle energetic frequency imprinter. This frequency generator allows users to create playlists and infuse them into the SEFIdot.
There are thousands of frequency combinations you can imprint with using a robust list for every ailment imagined: flower remedies, homeopathics, cell salts, nosodes, mantras, feel-good frequencies, chakras, and many Innergy detox protocols.
Unlike these traditional pre-programmed patches, these discs provide complete control over the energy frequencies that can be used to optimize the body’s energy field.
What Should I Do With My SEFIdots?
The discs are printed on a foil back and sealed within a silicone bubble, and they can be sent to you with specific frequency imprints that can be adhered to the skin along meridian lines of the body.
Check out this Traditional Chinese Medicine article about a meridian.
Now, you can optimize wherever you go!
Are you interested in trying FREE SEFIdots? Contact us. We will be happy to send you two while supplies last.
Don’t you know anything about the AO Scan Technology we use to program these holographic frequency discs?
We can’t wait to tell you more about AO Scan Global
Be Well & Do Good Things