Sharing Solex AO Scan Podcast Notes

AO Scan Expert Trainer

AO Scan Practitioner Feature

I was preparing to submit quick notes on the AO Scan Technology for an upcoming podcast. I thought to share.Paige Maurer Wheeler, Biohacker, Wellness Entrepreneur, Bioenergetics Practitioner Solex AO Scan Technology Expert & Affiliate 

About Your Business:  Solex AO Scan Affiliate, AO Scan Expert, & Trainer

Business Website:

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Please describe your company and the products/services you offer.

I am on a mission to move the Solex AO Scan Mobile technology into the hands of the masse. Previously, our technology was sold only to doctors, naturopaths, and holistic practitioners. It was not in a convenient mobile or tablet device but in a large, clunky computer with a very high price point. Over the last couple of years, Loran Swensen and his development team have been able to craft the hardware of our original extensive computer system and put it in an android and tablet device that can be used on humans and animals. 

Why Do You Love AO Scan

I have been in Health and wellness since the early 90s and have never seen anything more significant than our frequency technology and the pace of programmers to stay on the cutting edge. I was exposed to the AO Scan frequency technology five years ago, and, based on my scan results, I immediately knew I needed to find a way to bring this health and wellness technology into my everyday life.

Tell us about your business. 

I have three facets to my business.

 . I take wellness clients and run them through a variety of our AO Scans ( Vital Scan, Inner Voice Scan, Body System Scan and Comprehensive Scan, Dental & TMJ Scan, and Homeoenergetix. I coach these clients in many ways to meet their wellness goals based on the robust reporting our technology affords me. Because our technology is the most robust and unbelievable educational tool, it is easy to spot patterns and find ways to move the body closer to homeostasis. (movement, intake, environment & emotions   My clients range from young to old, sick to healthy, and I sometimes scan animals. 

 . The second part of my business, which is becoming super significant, is disseminating this technology all over the world. I spend most of my time as an AO Scan expert trainer and team leade. Most of my time is spent introducing the technology to naturopaths, chiropractors, holistic healers, personal trainers, yoga instructors, biohackers, dentists, veterinarians, and regular fitness enthusiasts. Those interested in taking advantage of the affiliate marketing platform may do so to create residual revenue (or not. This part of the business is becoming a QLA Quantum Living Advocate. I welcome anyone and everyone to my team and can work globally with users. 

 . The third part of my business is training in AO Scan technology. I pride myself on being an expert resource for those who view their body as an energetic body field. Proper training and understanding of our technology are the keys to our company’s success as we continue to grow globally. 

What Inspired you to Pursue Your Profession? 

I  have been involved in sports and physical activity since childhood. The ability to move and be physical is imperative to a happy and healthy lif. I graduated with a BS in Applied Mathematical Economics but decided not to pursue a career there. My first job out of college was managing a health & wellness center. I worked for 13+ years as a general manager of a health club management company. Every day was inspiring, allowing me to help many individuals move their bodies and minds into healthier states. I knew then that I would never stray from the field of fitness &  alternative health and wellness.  

Additionally, I am passionate about helping people feel and perform as well as I do daily. Our frequency healing and wellness technology provides me with immediate feedback and information on a body that you cannot get anywhere else.  

The idea that the AO Scan was noninvasive with no contraindications…….and allowed me to work in person, telephonically, or through the ethers via quantum physics was extremely appealing.

What would you like the listeners to know about you? 

I wake up daily feeling like a vibrant, happy, healthy rockstar. I attribute this to clean living, monitoring my body,  and supplement/food intake with the AO Scan Technology. 

I’ve also included the links to sample AO Scans for your review before the podcast. The reports below look like the client had 50+ labs pulled, but this all takes a minute. Sans can be done in person or over the phone. They are noninvasive, and there are no contraindications. Our results are much more significant than what you would get in 15 minutes with a doctor. See for yourself. I’m always happy to give a free demo when time permits.

How can people get a hold of you?

Fill out the CONTACT form or email info@solex.lif. I would love to hear from you.


For fun, check out a few of the AO Scan reports:

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Due to a lack of scientific evidence in the sense of TRADITIONAL medicine, science and conventional medicine do not recognise the existence of energetic/information fields, their analysis and harmonization, as well as their usefulness in medicine and other areas. No disease or medical condition is meant to be treated, mitigated, diagnosed, or prevented by the AO Scan system. It is instead designed to provide the user the choice to take information from information fields into account, even in the context of a holistic view, in order to attempt and derive useful information from them if necessary. Here, neither representative data nor data with scientific validation should be taken for granted. In light of this, each user should experiment to determine whether or not the program is useful to them based on their individual experiences. The terminology used in the databases and modules are not effects statements, they have not been examined by a recognized body, and they are not a part of the MDD/conformity MDR’s assessment process. The AO Scan system should only ever be used in line with the Instruction for Use and within the bounds of one’s professional practice, license, or certification. The usage of the AO Scan system shouldn’t be viewed as a replacement for a doctor’s independent judgment, diagnosis, and therapy selection. The therapist is always in charge of providing the proper diagnosis and treatment. The goal is to give the user a tool for potential application evaluation and trial, but it cannot take the place of a doctor. Always question the data from the AO Scan system critically, and if necessary, run it through additional tests. The body’s energy field is transient and ever-changing. Solex// Scan products, programs, and information are used at the user’s own risk, discretion, and independent judgment. SolexLife/Solex/AO Scan firms expressly disclaim liability for any user choices about the use of Solex/AO Scan goods or services outside the bounds of the manual.