S.E.F.I. MultiCast Instructions
Multicast allows you to broadcast frequencies for up to 16 subjects. Each subject must first be entered as a client. You can specify subjects by selecting each client individually or by importing a client group.
For each Subject
- Flower selection is required. Clicking on the Flower button will allow you to scan for the flower or manually select the flower you want. Here is a fun website showing Australian Flower Essence.
- If desired, select the playlists you would like to link to.
- If desired, enter a custom affirmation. Yes, this field is open and ready for your creativity and positivity!
Broadcast Options
- You can broadcast to all subjects simultaneously with the play all button in the toolbar or cycle through each one using the cycle button. Both buttons are affected by the time selected in the duration drop-down next to them. Play all frequencies will play at once for the selected duration. The cycle will play the frequency of each subject in the list one at a time; each one will be played for the selected duration.
- You can use the colored subject play note buttons to start and stop broadcasting for subjects as desired.
Check out this great video explaining the AO Scan Multicast.
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Be Well & Do Good Things
For more information on AO Scan Technology please download our AO Scan ProGuide.