Solex University Phase 3 Unlocks AO Dental Scan

Solex University

Solex University: Phase 1, Phase 2, and NOW Phase 3 Dental Training

The AO Scan Technology covers nine educational scans: Quick Scan, EZ Scan, Inner-Voice, Vitals, Body Systems, Comprehensive, HomeoEnergetix, Dental/TMJ, and SEFI.

It’s excellent that Solex University offers ongoing training for the AO Scan suite of technologies.

With the purchase of Phase 3 comes unlocking the entire database, which includes Dental/TMJ Scan and training on our Solex AO Scan Thermography Camera. 

AO Scan Dental & TMJ Scans

*All AO Scans use frequencies that are Non-Invasive and have no Contraindications

A dental/TMJ Scan allows you to scan and optimize Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids, Molars, Jaw Bones, Jaw Muscles, and Jaw Nerves on both the left and right side of your head.
We know that even the smallest parts of our bodies can play an essential role in how we feel and function.
We are excited about this addition of the non-invasive Dental/TMJ Scan to assist in balancing the frequencies of our body at an even more targeted level.

Has an AO Scan Practitioner done a dental scan on you? What have been your favorite parts about the Dental/TMJ Scan so far?

Join Us

Our AO Scan Global Team is comprised of Biological Dentists, Naturopathic Doctors, Chiropractors, Healers, Biohackers, and Wellness Enthusiasts.

Will you be the next one?

Don’t know about AO Scan Technology? Contact us, and an AO Scan practitioner will contact you with information and a free demo if time permits.
Are you a biological or traditional dentist ready to buy our non-invasive frequency technology?
*AO Scan Technology is not a medical device. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Due to a lack of scientific evidence in the sense of TRADITIONAL medicine, science and conventional medicine do not recognise the existence of energetic/information fields, their analysis and harmonization, as well as their usefulness in medicine and other areas. No disease or medical condition is meant to be treated, mitigated, diagnosed, or prevented by the AO Scan system. It is instead designed to provide the user the choice to take information from information fields into account, even in the context of a holistic view, in order to attempt and derive useful information from them if necessary. Here, neither representative data nor data with scientific validation should be taken for granted. In light of this, each user should experiment to determine whether or not the program is useful to them based on their individual experiences. The terminology used in the databases and modules are not effects statements, they have not been examined by a recognized body, and they are not a part of the MDD/conformity MDR’s assessment process. The AO Scan system should only ever be used in line with the Instruction for Use and within the bounds of one’s professional practice, license, or certification. The usage of the AO Scan system shouldn’t be viewed as a replacement for a doctor’s independent judgment, diagnosis, and therapy selection. The therapist is always in charge of providing the proper diagnosis and treatment. The goal is to give the user a tool for potential application evaluation and trial, but it cannot take the place of a doctor. Always question the data from the AO Scan system critically, and if necessary, run it through additional tests. The body’s energy field is transient and ever-changing. Solex// Scan products, programs, and information are used at the user’s own risk, discretion, and independent judgment. SolexLife/Solex/AO Scan firms expressly disclaim liability for any user choices about the use of Solex/AO Scan goods or services outside the bounds of the manual.