What is a Radionic Evaluation?



What Exactly is an AO Scan Radionic Evaluation?

Some of AO Scan Global’s more science-minded practitioners put together some thoughts on radionics. The AO Scan does this through algorithms and software, but it hasn’t always been that way.

Radiesthesia –  By Wikipedia definition, radiesthesia is the ability to detect radiation emitted by a person, animal, object, or geographical feature.

Radionics has been practiced for decades and hundreds, if not thousands, of years. We can see a wide variety of writings on this type of practice in many ancient texts. Throughout history, the person relying on radiesthesia was in search of uncovering variables involved in the symptoms of illness and disease.

Making a medical diagnosis is NOT the same as conducting a radionic analysis.

The goal of a medical diagnosis is to attempt and identify a label for the specific symptoms-signs combination the patient is experiencing. Only after that is treatment administered in accordance with the condition’s nomenclature.  Unlike a diagnosis, a radionic assessment is used to identify the energetic elements that have contributed to the patient’s clinical presentations.

AO Scan practitioners understand that the technology does not treat, cure, or diagnose, but is instead used as an education tool.

Energetic elements can be present in the physical, etheric, emotional, or mental bodies. Even outside of these, they might have their own territory. The environment, harmful energy fields emanating from the earth (geopathic stress), unfavorable planetary conditions (transits and unfavorable astrological aspects), etc. are some variables that could make someone more susceptible to illness. These exist in addition to other typical factors that are widely known to us. Sometimes during an evaluation, elements that neither the patient nor the practitioner suspected may emerge as the true cause of an illness. The goal of the radionic practitioner is to identify these issues, give them the highest priority, and then start the patient’s “balancing/optimizing,” as we commonly call this process, to remedy them. The secret to successful radionic healing is prioritizing correction and selecting the best optimizing therapy or treatment.

How is Radionics evaluation done?

The specific type of ESP used in Radionics is frequently referred to as “the radiesthesia faculty,.” This allows the practitioner to learn details about the health of his patients that the conscious thinking mind cannot directly access through a series of yes/no questions. This can be done manually, or using technology. Radionics often uses a dowsing tool held by, or in contact with, the competent, trained operator to obtain information about the subtle energies of people, animals, plants, foods, etc. for diagnostic assessments and answers to queries (Radiesthesia). There are numerous types of dowsing equipment, including. The pendulous motions of a weight on a string or chain.2. Variations in the surface tension or friction on a detector pad. 3. Rod or forked twig movements. 4. Biofeedback devices, like the AO Scan technology, use transducers or electrodes to amplify low-level bodily signals. .

Want to know more about the AO Scan technology in layman’s terms? Interested in scheduling a scan for you or your pet? Are you an NMD, health coach, holistic practitioner, chiropractor, doctor, or fitness influencer? We would love the opportunity to give you a free demo.

Complete the Contact Us form on our website and one of our AO Scan Practitioners will be in touch.


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Due to a lack of scientific evidence in the sense of TRADITIONAL medicine, science and conventional medicine do not recognise the existence of energetic/information fields, their analysis and harmonization, as well as their usefulness in medicine and other areas. No disease or medical condition is meant to be treated, mitigated, diagnosed, or prevented by the AO Scan system. It is instead designed to provide the user the choice to take information from information fields into account, even in the context of a holistic view, in order to attempt and derive useful information from them if necessary. Here, neither representative data nor data with scientific validation should be taken for granted. In light of this, each user should experiment to determine whether or not the program is useful to them based on their individual experiences. The terminology used in the databases and modules are not effects statements, they have not been examined by a recognized body, and they are not a part of the MDD/conformity MDR’s assessment process. The AO Scan system should only ever be used in line with the Instruction for Use and within the bounds of one’s professional practice, license, or certification. The usage of the AO Scan system shouldn’t be viewed as a replacement for a doctor’s independent judgment, diagnosis, and therapy selection. The therapist is always in charge of providing the proper diagnosis and treatment. The goal is to give the user a tool for potential application evaluation and trial, but it cannot take the place of a doctor. Always question the data from the AO Scan system critically, and if necessary, run it through additional tests. The body’s energy field is transient and ever-changing. Solex//aoscanglobal.com/AO Scan products, programs, and information are used at the user’s own risk, discretion, and independent judgment. SolexLife/Solex/AO Scan firms expressly disclaim liability for any user choices about the use of Solex/AO Scan goods or services outside the bounds of the manual.