Alpha³ Pass
AO Scan users can now share their significant experience with AO Scan Quantum Healing Technology with greater ease.
Most AO Scan users will perform a demo for potential clients, but doing a demo doesn’t showcase the technology’s vast applications.
We offer a FREE Alpha3 Pass to all wellness professionals while supplies last.
Solex Global Has Great Marketing Tools
We are so thankful that Solex Global recently Introduced the Alpha3 Pass.
This pass allows 3 full days of access to the AO Scan Technology for doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, personal trainers, nutritionists, yoga instructors, dentists, veterinarians, biohackers, network marketers, fitness enthusiasts, and YOU!
Current AO Scan users can share the AO Scan Technology with prospective buyers via an Alpha3 pass directly from the AO Scan Device.
Why do we love the Alpha3 Pass?
The Alpha3 Pass is a great marketing tool for those participating in the network marketing aspect of Solex AO Scan Technology (Quantum Living Advocate).
But more importantly, the Alpha3 Pass assures that those interested in the technology will more fully experience the device’s expansive capacity for themselves.
Allow Others to Try AO Scan for Free for 3 Days with Alpha3 Pass
This Alpha3 Pass Pack includes 6 3-day passes to be shared with 6 different recipients. Each pass grants users access to ALL features offered in the AO Scan Technology:
- Quick Scan
- EZ Scan
- Body Systems Scan
Vitals Scan
Comprehensive Scan
- Dental
- Homeoenergetix
How to Access the Alpha3 Pass:
Current AO Scan users may purchase an Alpha3 Pack in their back office. Each pack contains 6 3-day passes and costs $125.00..
The new Alpha3 passes show up in the users email account immediately after purchase. To access the passes, log in to the AO Scan account and to the main menu screen. Select the three hash lines on the top right corner of the display.
Select ‘Management Tools’.
Select ‘Alpha3 Passes’. Invitations are sent out from here by adding the name and email address of the recipient.
Interested client receives the pass immediately and has10 days to activate. If a pass is not activated in the 10 day period, the Apha3 Pass will repopulate into the issuer’s back office. This Alpha Pass can be resent to another interested party immediately.
Email addresses may only received one Alpha3 Pass.
Tracking of Alpha3 passes can be done in the back office.
How will this help my business as a Quantum Living Advocate ?
- Alpha3 pass can gives the full AO Scan Technology experience for individuals or clinics before signing up. Sometime this is necessary, sometimes it is not.
If a pass is not redeemed, can you issue another to the same party?
This is handled on a case by case basis. Refer to the individual who issued the pass and request another. This decision that will be up to the issuer, but it will require you to use a secondary email address. If they are not willing to issue another Alpha3 Pass, please CONTACT us at AO Scan Global. Our goal is to make sure people all over the world are familiar with our technology.
Will I be able to keep the profiles of the individuals I scanned when I purchase my own AO Scan Technology?
Yes, all data will transfer with you.
Will my AO Scan Technology work on multiple devices?
You can only be signed in to one device at a time but may access it from multiple devices.
*Please remember that our AO Scan Quantum Living Advocates purchase the Alpha3 Pass as a marketing tool.
It is up to the Solex affiliate who purchases the Alpha3 pass whether to give it out for free or charge for it. The retail and loyalty cost for an AO Scan user is $125.00 for a six-pack.
If you are interested in an Alpha3 Pass, please contact us via our CONTACT form. If you plan to buy or build a business with our AO Scan Global team, we sure will give you one for FREE!
Ready to join the fastest-growing AO Scan team? LET’S GO!
Be Well & Do Good Things
*AO Scan Technology is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and is not a medical device. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. We are a significant educational tool.